finally a flipbook!!

sorry for the delay, I'll just recap what my flip book was about...its the same as 2 posts down
My flip book started as the day setting into nighttime and then a martini glass/cosmopolitan came from the bottom up then a spider came and made a web and then a bomb blew it up and then a flower grows and the curtain closes. Kinda weird, I know...but it was just crazy thoughts that kept popping in my head.
comment your thoughts!
xoxo lysssssss
I enjoyed every presentation that we watched at Electronics Alive. Each artist had just different styles and themes and I really liked them all.
Cynthia Lawson -
I really enjoyed Cynthia's photography and artwork. She is very talented and uses technology in her art. The art that truly captured me was where she took multiple pictures of a scene and combine them all into one. The overall appearance of how much movement takes place within minutes is amazing and the overlapping of the pictures turned the photos into masterpieces. I was very touched by her visit to Guatemala. This just showed how Guatemala does not use technology and it was touching that Cynthia taught them how to send e-mails. It was also impressive how they make those beadings so much and Cynthia specifically told us that when she went to make one it took a very long time. I am very happy that I was able to see Cynthia's work.
Bruce Wands -
I enjoyed his performance in the gallery because he started off by teaching us how art has evolved over time. I also enjoyed that he did not just show us his artwork. He included the work from many prestigious artists, and they were all beautiful and different in many ways. I really liked how Bruce seemed interested in inspiring us to become artists and show that there are all different forms of art that we can make. Bruce's Buddha Light Paintings, was absolutely stunning and I love how he showed us how he made it digitally.
Christina Hung -
All I can say is WOW! Christina's work absolutely amazed me. I loved her political and artistic statements that she portrays in her work. To think that she makes such unique art pieces out of bacteria and dye. I also loved that she showed us how the bacteria grew over days and weeks and how different it looked and how quickly it grew. You can absolutely tell that Christina loved experimenting with her work and she will continue producing such stunning pieces.
Each artist has touced me in a different way.
ttyl, alyssa*
Picture Problem! I am truly sorry that my pictures from my flip book are not up. I took pictures on my roommate's digital camera and when I went to upload them it said memory card formatting problem? I don't really know what that means...and I handed my book in so I can't take pictures on another camera.
I will promise to get the pictures up ASAP!
My flip book started as the day setting and then a martini glass/cosmopolitan came from the bottom up then a spider came and made a web and then a bomb blew it up and then a flower grows and the curtain closes. Kinda weird, I know...but it was just crazy thoughts that kept popping in my head. You can comment on this post because when i have the pictures i will just add them onto this post. SORRY FOR THE PROBLEM!
xoxo, alyssa
clockwork crazy

I did not want this class to end today. We watched every SINGLE one of my favorite movies. My mom is absolutely obsessed with Gene of course i watched Singin' in the Rain 500 times before. I actually saw Gone with the Wind for the first time this winter break, because my mom was shocked that I never saw it before. The Birds was the first scary movie I saw when I was little and of course I was scared to go outside and be attacked by birds for a little while. hahaha childhood traumatic memories. Last but not least, A Clockwork Orange is hands down one of my favorite films. I read the book in high school and became obsessed with story ever since. I was so glad we got to watch these historic films in class today. Just seeing how much technology changed in films, from overlapping scenes, to dubbing music, to color, 3-D, and the crazy Odorama. This class has opened my eyes to the movie world that I never saw.
It shocked me watching Gene Kelly perform "Singin' in the Rain" in the 1950's being extremely happy and just loving life to Alex beating up a married couple and singing "Singin' in the Rain" in the 1970's. What a major transition. This just shows how much changes over the course of 20 years. Drugs definitely turned people crazy and made them psychotic enough to want to hurt and beat people. It is just amazing how drugs alter a person's personality and makes them a completely different person once they are on them. On the other hand, it does show how Singin' in the Rain was a great part of history that everyone will know and love.
see u thursday!
always, alyssa*
MIT Students Turn Internet Into a Sixth Human Sense response
All I can say is OH MY GOD!!
I am so happy that you shared this website with our class. I have never seen anything like this in my life. It definitely makes me wonder what life will be like in the future. Will our world be run by robots....seriously! I agree with technology but not to this level. If this projector becomes commercialized one day, I feel like it will take away from human life. I love that you can use your fingers to snap pictures and place calls, but it eventually lead people to become lazy.
My roommates were instantly intrigued by this website as soon as they heard my "oh my gods" and gasps of shock. They all think it is crazy too. I truly wonder what our world will be like in the future
xoxo lyssie
Beginning of film and photos
I really enjoyed class on Tuesday about the
beginning of film and photography. It amazed me how even back then they could make full length films, even though it took 5x as long as it takes us now to make films. Even though they did not have words they were still very entertaining with the fake stunts and dummies they used as people. I really enjoyed the pictures that were put together to resemble a flip book!
Which reminds me! I absolutely need to get started on this flip book. I am the most
un-artistic person ever!! This is going to be insanely hard for me to do. I went to the thrift store and I picked up the first book I saw and bought it. It just so happened the the book I picked up was the unauthorized biography of Frank ironic, one of the most amazing stars from New Jersey. It made me giggle and put me in a great mood for the rest of the day.
See you all in class tomorrow!
xoxo alyssa
Classes last week

Obviously with last weekend, I had many things to work and regular work. I need to catch up on my blog!
Last week when we were watching Broadways in class I could not help but sing along to most of the songs! I was brought up a Broadway freak and continue to go twice a year. I started seeing plays since i was four years old. Of course my first play was Beauty and the Beast and after the play was over I yelled at my mom to play it again because I thought it was like a VHS tape and you can just rewind it and play it over and over. Silly young me lol.
My mom is obsessed with plays and I am so blessed that she brought that lifestyle to me. I live in New Jersey only 20 minutes away from the city so it is way to easy to see plays all the time. This winter break I just saw the newly released Shrek on Broadway which was adorable and funny just like the movie. I LOVEEEE The Little Mermaid and Wicked! The latest play to come out on Broadway I believe in March is West Side Story. I am a West Side Story fanatic...I've never cried so much during a movie and of course my mom already bought us tickets for the first weekend I am home for the summer, I'll be sure to post a blog about the amazing experience.
Another funny story is that I was sitting around doing a paper last week and I heard from my my common room television the song "Habanera" from the opera Carmen on a commercial. I instantly ran from my bedroom and realized that it was on a pizza delivery commercial. I started laughing and it clicked in my head how many times they use famous opera songs on t.v. and commercials. I haven't fully noticed until now!
always, alyssa*
Re-cap of the week

As I told some of you in class today, I was in the Superbowl Half-time show on Sunday with Bruce Springsteen. I was on the left side of the stage but everyone that watched told me I was nowhere to be found lol. Right after class last thursday, I quickly went to the dress rehearsal with Bruce himself from 1:00 pm til 8:00 pm at night! It was the longest day of my entire life, and what made it worse was it wasn't just pouring rain it was a monsoon. As Bruce told us, it was "ass breaking rain" atleast he was joking with us and putting us in a better mood. On Superbowl Sunday.. I woke up and couldn't sit down because I was so excited. Just being in the stadium and on the field the night of the actual Superbowl gave me butterflies inside. Also seeing Bruce Springsteen play live and being on national television in front of millions of viewers was a once in a life time experience.
During this entire weekend, I went to three different celebrity parties. I met everyone from NFL football players, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Brittany Snow, and the Lachey brothers. I was definitely starstruck when I met Ashton Kutcher though. From what I remember, I was just standing there with my mouth literally hanging to the floor as he was talking to me. BUT!!! of course I lost my camera that night and have no proof of anything but atleast I have my memories and the best weekend of my entire life!! NEXT IS GASPARILLA!!!!
always, alyssa*